Wednesday 25 September 2013

Matinee Jacket

So, it may have taken me a while but I have finally finished the matinee coat I was knitting. Here are a few pictures.

This is the front before the sleeves are added
The back after the shoulders are attached
Attaching the sleeves
The neckline using 

Adding the buttons
After the sleeves are attached

Wednesday 24 April 2013

I've been practising some techniques recently. For a little while I have been doing some embroidery. I found an old embroidery pattern of my Nanna's so I thought I'd have a go at doing it. It's a pattern from 1998 and some of the colour codes are different so I've decided to just use the colours I think would look good. I have just been using the basic sewing techniques: satin stitch, stem stitch, straight stitch and long and short stitches.  The only stitch I have been struggling with is the french knot. I can't get my head around it, but I'll keep trying.

I've also been practising my knitting skills. A family friend is having a baby so I am going to knit the jacket below. This is the first time I have knitted a garment or followed a pattern so I'm quite excited about it. I'm going to do it white. I used red wool to practise some of the stitches as I wasn't familiar to them. I have, however, started the actual jacket.

Sunday 20 January 2013

White Christmas at the Lowry

Well for seven weeks over Christmas I was lucky enough be a part of White Christmas at the Lowry Theatre in Salford. My experience as a dresser on Finding Neverland helped me here as I was a dresser for one of the principal characters. It was a completely different experience compared to Neverland. The technical week was so much easier. Well compared to Neverland it was anyway. It was strange looking after only one actor though. And someone over the age of fourteen. It took me a while to remember that he was old enough to dress himself and that I didn't need to keep checking up on him.

Anyway, I really enjoyed working on this show. I met some amazing people and made some great friends and I can't wait for my next experience.

Sunday 28 October 2012

busy couple of months

Well I've been a busy bee recently. In September, I got a phone call asking if i would like to have some work experience at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester for two weeks, working on their production of A Country Wife. I was involved in alterations, decorations and making accessories such as cravats. I enjoyed it there and I met some great people. It was nice to work within the industry and it gave me more confidence in myself. It was the first call I have received from sending out many CV's and it was nice to finally realise that I could get work. I learnt a lot of new things here and I really enjoyed it. 

While I was there, I was asked about a dressing job on the World Premiere of Finding Neverland at Curve Theatre in Leicester until October. Next thing I know, I'm looking for digs and working out how to get there. I was needed asap so I had to quit my job and move down there as soon as I could.
When I got there, I was told I was the children's dresser, and get this, there was 13 children. I had to remember 13 names and which character they were playing. To be fair it only took me a couple of days to get it but at first I was so confused.

When I Joined Finding Neverland, it was the second day of they're second week of tech so there was a lot of work to do and long hours. I was involved in some alterations, laundry (I have never ironed so many shirts in my life) and I was responsible for all the children's costumes and accessories. The first week was hard, long days with few breaks and I was absolutely shattered and I did become ill. However, I really loved it. After tech was finished, things calmed down, something of which we were all glad about.  Every night was different and exciting and I was working with great people.

As quick as it had started, it was over, and we had to box everything up and go home. I was happy to leave because I was ready to come home, but it was also really sad because I was saying goodbye to some brill people who were great to work with. I also enjoyed the job and the last show was weird to think it was the last time I would be doing the show. Hopefully I will get to work with them again soon.

As soon as I was unpacked when I got home, I was busy again. Not working but preparing for an interview with Thelma Madine, to work in her shop Nico. If you don't know who that is all I am going to say is...Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.


I was so excited when I got the phone call. My interview was on Friday and it was all day. There was a few of us there and we did some sewing samples and a few designs (which I am awful at but lets not dwell on that). We then had individual interviews with Thelma. It felt like it went well so hopefully it did and it was a good day.

Well that's all peeps. I'll keep you informed.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Hairspray photo shoot

So here are the photos of my Hairspray costumes. I found out yesterday that I got a high 2:2 for it. I am sooo happy hehe. And I got a 2:1 for my website/online portfolio/blog. Looks like I'm going to graduate with a high 2:2. : D

Was a nightmare trying to get these photos done. First Gareth couldn't come in for the photo shoot the whole class was having so I just had Steph on that day. Then I didn't hear anything for ages. We later agreed on a day but the photography studio wasn't free, so we had to change the day again. This time Steph couldn't make it but I couldn't change it again because the exhibition is getting closer, I go home soon and the whole college is getting set up for the exhibition. I was running out of time. Then I couldn't get in touch with the girl I wanted to do the hair and make-up. I was seriously beginning to pull my hair out. Then, all of a sudden, things began to fall into place. Sadie )hair and make up) got in touch with me and we got that sorted. My friend Meinir said she would stand in for me as Tracy. I could breath again. Then we turned up on Tuesday. The photography studio wasn't free. STRESS!!! Gareth, Ellen and Emma were all helping me to try and work out how I could have a photo shoot without the photography studio when Ian turns up and says that he will just move people out of the way. So after weeks of worry and stress I had my photo shoot and it was brilliant!!

So tonight, our whole course, 1st, 2nd and 3rd years are all going to our awards ceremony to celebrate the last year. I can't wait.

Seeing as I have new photos I have updated my website and online portfolio. Take a look. My online portfolio doesn't have ant descriptions on the Hairspray stuff because it wouldn't let me for some reason but the photos are on.

Speak soon. 

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Finished Garments

So I have finally finished my Hairspray costumes. Take a look.

This is Tracy's dress. I have enjoyed making this dress and I am very happy with the final result.

This is Edna's final dress. This has been a huge challenge for me but I have enjoyed making it.

I have developed many skills throughout this project and  have really enjoyed making them.