Thursday 31 May 2012

Hairspray photo shoot

So here are the photos of my Hairspray costumes. I found out yesterday that I got a high 2:2 for it. I am sooo happy hehe. And I got a 2:1 for my website/online portfolio/blog. Looks like I'm going to graduate with a high 2:2. : D

Was a nightmare trying to get these photos done. First Gareth couldn't come in for the photo shoot the whole class was having so I just had Steph on that day. Then I didn't hear anything for ages. We later agreed on a day but the photography studio wasn't free, so we had to change the day again. This time Steph couldn't make it but I couldn't change it again because the exhibition is getting closer, I go home soon and the whole college is getting set up for the exhibition. I was running out of time. Then I couldn't get in touch with the girl I wanted to do the hair and make-up. I was seriously beginning to pull my hair out. Then, all of a sudden, things began to fall into place. Sadie )hair and make up) got in touch with me and we got that sorted. My friend Meinir said she would stand in for me as Tracy. I could breath again. Then we turned up on Tuesday. The photography studio wasn't free. STRESS!!! Gareth, Ellen and Emma were all helping me to try and work out how I could have a photo shoot without the photography studio when Ian turns up and says that he will just move people out of the way. So after weeks of worry and stress I had my photo shoot and it was brilliant!!

So tonight, our whole course, 1st, 2nd and 3rd years are all going to our awards ceremony to celebrate the last year. I can't wait.

Seeing as I have new photos I have updated my website and online portfolio. Take a look. My online portfolio doesn't have ant descriptions on the Hairspray stuff because it wouldn't let me for some reason but the photos are on.

Speak soon. 

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