Sunday 28 October 2012

busy couple of months

Well I've been a busy bee recently. In September, I got a phone call asking if i would like to have some work experience at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester for two weeks, working on their production of A Country Wife. I was involved in alterations, decorations and making accessories such as cravats. I enjoyed it there and I met some great people. It was nice to work within the industry and it gave me more confidence in myself. It was the first call I have received from sending out many CV's and it was nice to finally realise that I could get work. I learnt a lot of new things here and I really enjoyed it. 

While I was there, I was asked about a dressing job on the World Premiere of Finding Neverland at Curve Theatre in Leicester until October. Next thing I know, I'm looking for digs and working out how to get there. I was needed asap so I had to quit my job and move down there as soon as I could.
When I got there, I was told I was the children's dresser, and get this, there was 13 children. I had to remember 13 names and which character they were playing. To be fair it only took me a couple of days to get it but at first I was so confused.

When I Joined Finding Neverland, it was the second day of they're second week of tech so there was a lot of work to do and long hours. I was involved in some alterations, laundry (I have never ironed so many shirts in my life) and I was responsible for all the children's costumes and accessories. The first week was hard, long days with few breaks and I was absolutely shattered and I did become ill. However, I really loved it. After tech was finished, things calmed down, something of which we were all glad about.  Every night was different and exciting and I was working with great people.

As quick as it had started, it was over, and we had to box everything up and go home. I was happy to leave because I was ready to come home, but it was also really sad because I was saying goodbye to some brill people who were great to work with. I also enjoyed the job and the last show was weird to think it was the last time I would be doing the show. Hopefully I will get to work with them again soon.

As soon as I was unpacked when I got home, I was busy again. Not working but preparing for an interview with Thelma Madine, to work in her shop Nico. If you don't know who that is all I am going to say is...Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.


I was so excited when I got the phone call. My interview was on Friday and it was all day. There was a few of us there and we did some sewing samples and a few designs (which I am awful at but lets not dwell on that). We then had individual interviews with Thelma. It felt like it went well so hopefully it did and it was a good day.

Well that's all peeps. I'll keep you informed.

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