Wednesday 24 April 2013

I've been practising some techniques recently. For a little while I have been doing some embroidery. I found an old embroidery pattern of my Nanna's so I thought I'd have a go at doing it. It's a pattern from 1998 and some of the colour codes are different so I've decided to just use the colours I think would look good. I have just been using the basic sewing techniques: satin stitch, stem stitch, straight stitch and long and short stitches.  The only stitch I have been struggling with is the french knot. I can't get my head around it, but I'll keep trying.

I've also been practising my knitting skills. A family friend is having a baby so I am going to knit the jacket below. This is the first time I have knitted a garment or followed a pattern so I'm quite excited about it. I'm going to do it white. I used red wool to practise some of the stitches as I wasn't familiar to them. I have, however, started the actual jacket.

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